
Benefits Of Using Programmer Interview Tool For Screening and Hiring The Best
In this competitive environment, it is quite necessary that you have right people at the right place. The recruiters want to give the best to their company for its growth and prosperity. Even the job seeker is willing to work in the field of his interest and does not want to miss any opportunities and land in the wrong path. The recruiters have stacks of resumes in which the selection is very mind-numbing experience.
After scrapping the unwanted, still the standout remains in large numbers – each one giving tough competition. However, after lots of efforts and discussion, you reach to the final selection for interview. There is still a thought to be given whether the person finalized for the interview is much interested after all.
From the picture stated above, it is clear that you need some specialized tools for automation of the process. Let us see how this coder interview tool benefits.
- Online coding:
This is first approach for the hiring of a coder to assess his coding skills. With the help of tools, automatic test can be generated from the extensive library of questions created based on the roles. With the help of single click and share, you can invite candidates and conduct the test remotely without meeting them personally. This helps in reducing cost and time as well requirement to call the candidate at office or travel around.
- Multiple Questionnaire:
It supports multiple question formats that range from subjective, frontend design, multiple choice questions and not to forget the programming.
- Custom Question Library:
Besides having large questionnaire database, it has the facility to include customized questions that can be used to conduct the test.
- Customizable Environments:
With the help of customization, it gives you the freedom to pair the program based on candidate’s criteria. This can be either Python or full-stack web development.
- Sorting and filtering:
You have the option to sort and filter the candidates based on profile information and their performance.
- Code Player:
The tool has provision to capture the code written by the candidate by word to word enabling you to play back the code.
- Plagiarism Detector:
The tool has an advanced plagiarism detector to detect possible cases and analyze them at opcode level.
- Candidate snapshot:
It has functions of taking the snapshot while interviewing or giving the test. This can be used to detect impersonation cases.
- Admin management:
The tools give you provision for user management where in there can be multiple admin with different access roles.
- Password protection:
With the help of password protection, the test can be viewed only by the candidate. This enables to prevent unauthorized access to the question bank and related information.
- Exhaustive reports:
With the simple but detailed reports, you not only see how the candidate’s has excelled, but you can also assess his thought process and get the insight edge. It has options of various graphs and charts to compare the results with other candidate’s report.
- Automated Evaluation:
It provides automated evaluations with respect to logical correctness and quality of the candidate’s codes, memory and time efficiency. With the auto-grading feature running in the background, it helps to check and scrutinize the best performers from the lot.
- Candidate feedback:
Once the test is completed, it enables to collect the feedback from the candidates.
With Lytmus Interview Platform you are at peace of mind and give you the ability to pick up the right candidate for your company and team. It provides the next generation of competitive edge with any platform you want to assess.