
Ruby On Rails Development Companies In India – Why Start-Ups Are Choosing RoR?
A number of start-ups are choosing to offer Ruby on Rails (RoR) development for their clients. One of the major reasons why start-ups choose this framework is that most of the developers used PHP to develop their projects and now with the emergence of RoR, it has become easier to shift focus. Why? Because similar to PHP, RoR is open source technology and it is much easier to learn compared to other frameworks.
Ruby on Rails was introduced to make programming easier and increase the convenience of the programmers. So here is why there is an increasing number of Ruby on Rails development companies in India:
- Easy and Quick Development
To prosper, the start-ups have to take up a lot of workload and deliver it within time to win client trust. This means they have to choose a platform that enables them to develop projects fast and in the most cost-effective manner. Ruby On Rails is a perfect choice. The development time is almost two times faster than other frameworks. So the start-ups can develop high-quality projects within an optimal time frame.
- Cheaper Products
Since it is easier to learn RoR, more and more developers will be eager to learn this technology. This means there would be many options available for the start-ups when hiring RoR developers. Many would also be willing to work for less remuneration but offer high-quality work.
- Great Company Culture
In order to make a company successful you need to attract as many clients as possible, and to make this possible, you need to create the right image in front of the prospects. By choosing Ruby On Rails, you can show your prospects that you maintain a great company culture where your developers keep themselves updated with the new advancements and upgrade their skills regularly. Embracing change and evolving with the new advancements are the attributes a start-up must have and by choosing RoR you can portray the right image.
- RoR Projects are Easily Inheritable
With start-ups hiring and firing is a regular issue, so they should choose a framework or platform that makes the projects easily inheritable (a new developer can take up an unfinished project and work on it). Ruby makes it easier to inherit projects, so as a company can keep the workflow going on even if a developer leaves your organization and deliver projects on time.
Clearly, there are many benefits of choosing Ruby On Rails, and this is the reason a major portion of the start-ups are choosing this framework as their core product. With RoR, you can get more out of less, so think no more. If you are starting a company, choose nothing other than RoR.