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Winter Pests To Be On The Lookout For In Your Home
During the winter months, you and your family of course love having a home that is warm and comfortable. Unfortunately, there will be plenty of common pests that will also want to take advantage of your warm home. Before you know it, you may find yourself with a few too many unwanted houseguests. If you’re wondering which winter pests you need to be on the lookout for inside your home, here are some that are the most common.
Mice and Rats
More than any other types of winter pests, mice and rats absolutely love to find a warm home where they can ride out the winter months in comfort and style. Able to fit through very small openings, often as small as a dime or nickel, they can be found inside your basement, attic, kitchen, or almost any other part of your home.
Rodent-Proof Your Home
The most effective way to get rid of mice and rats is to prevent them from getting inside in the first place. Seal up any cracks or openings around windows, doors, pipes, utility lines, and vents with caulk or steel wool. Make sure that all windows close tightly as well. If you have large gaps beneath your doors, consider installing door sweeps or weather stripping to reduce the chances of rodents entering your home through those gaps.
Keep Your Home Clean
Mice and rats can be attracted by food sources inside your home. Be sure to keep food items stored away in airtight containers and sweep up any crumbs or spills immediately. Additionally, make sure garbage cans have tight lids and are emptied regularly.
Set Traps
If you already have an infestation on your hands, setting traps is an effective way to catch them quickly. Place traps near walls or areas where droppings have been seen previously; you can also use bait such as peanut butter or cheese to attract them into the trap. If you’re worried about setting traps yourself, consider calling a professional pest control service that will be able to set traps and remove any rodents safely from your home.
Mice and rats may seem like harmless creatures during the summer months but they can become a nuisance when temperatures start dropping outside. Fortunately, there are steps that homeowners can take—such as sealing up openings around doors and windows—to help protect their homes from unwanted guests this winter season! By following these steps plus implementing good cleaning habits around your home, you’ll be able to keep mice and rats at bay throughout the winter months ahead!
Should you have trees or bushes very close to your home, you may also have squirrels that have decided to make your attic their winter home. To keep this from happening, you should try to cover your chimney with a chimney cap, trim trees, and shrubbery, and seal up any holes where utilities or pipes enter your home. If you find squirrels inside your home, it’s always best to contact pest control professionals who have the training and equipment to remove them quickly and safely.
Check Your Home for Entry Points
The first thing you should do is check your home for any potential entry points that a squirrel might use. Look around windows and doors that may be loose or damaged, and make sure to caulk or seal any cracks or crevices. Pay close attention to roof eaves, chimneys, and vents as these are popular access points for squirrels looking to get inside your house.
Utilize Repellents
There are many different repellents available that can help keep squirrels away from your home. Many of these repellents utilize natural ingredients like peppermint oil and garlic which are unpleasant to animals but safe for people and pets. Be sure to reapply the repellent every few weeks as it will dissipate over time due to weather conditions. Additionally, many types of sound deterrents like ultrasonic devices can be effective at keeping squirrels away from your property.
Call a Professional
If all else fails, it’s time to call a professional exterminator who can assess the situation and provide advice on how best to deal with the problem at hand. A professional can also help install traps or other methods of removal that will help get rid of any existing pests in your home while preventing future infestations from occurring.
Considered to be some of the most disgusting pests you can have in your home, cockroaches will do all they can to spend the winter in your home’s kitchen, basement, or anywhere else where they can gain entry. Naturally attracted to moisture, cockroaches may be found around sinks and countertops, especially if dirty dishes are left in the sink or if food crumbs have found their way to your floor.
Eliminate Sources of Food and Water
One of the most important steps in getting rid of cockroaches is eliminating sources of food and water. This means taking the time to clean up spills and crumbs, washing dishes right away, storing food in tightly sealed containers, and vacuuming regularly. Additionally, make sure you don’t leave pet food out overnight or unplug appliances with water inside for long periods of time as these can all attract cockroaches.
Seal Any Possible Entry Points
Cockroaches will often enter a home through small cracks or crevices near windows and doors. Make sure to seal any possible points of entry by caulk around windowsills and door frames or filling in any holes near pipes or vents that lead into your home. Doing this will help prevent future infestations from occurring during the winter months.
Use a Professional
If your efforts have failed and you still have an issue with cockroaches, it might be time to call pest control. A professional pest control specialist will be able to use treatments that are specifically designed for getting rid of cockroaches in an efficient manner while also preventing future infestations from occurring. Plus, they have access to tools that the average homeowner may not have access to such as special sprays and baits that can quickly eliminate large numbers of pests at once without having to go into every nook and cranny looking for them manually like some DIY methods require you to do.
If you are like most people, you hate to be surprised by a spider that’s crawling across the floor or a table. Unfortunately, spiders love to be inside your home during the winter, especially in areas you don’t frequent very often, such as the basement. To keep spiders outside during the winter, seal exterior cracks and holes, remove clutter from inside and outside your home, and vacuum regularly.
Clean Up Your Home
Spiders love messes, so it’s important that you keep your home as clean as possible. Vacuum regularly, dust often, and make sure that all surfaces are kept free from clutter. Make sure that any wood or cardboard items are placed in sealed plastic containers and stored away when not in use. You should also seal any cracks or holes in windows and doors with caulk or weatherstripping to prevent spiders from getting into your home.
Utilize Natural Repellents
There are a few natural items you can use to repel spiders from entering your home. White vinegar is an effective spider repellent; spray it around doorways, windowsills, and other entry points where you think spiders might be entering from outside. You can also sprinkle cayenne pepper or cinnamon powder around these areas as well – both will act as natural deterrents for spiders!
Call an Exterminator
If all else fails, it might be time to call the professionals! Exterminators will be able to identify what type of spider infestation they have and come up with the best plan of action for getting rid of them once and for all. Additionally, they can check for other pests such as ants or cockroaches while they’re at it.
Even if you do everything right, you may still find yourself having a winter pest problem in your home. Rather than give up, turn the job over to pest control professionals. Armed with knowledge, experience, and state-of-the-art equipment, they can make sure you win your winter war against pests.