
Mobile Apps For Chemical Research
Various mobile resources are available in iOS and Android that will help you in chemical research. Now you can take the advantage of latest mobile technology while doing chemical research because there are numerous mobile apps. Lots of apps are free and you can download them instantly as per your needs. You can record your data, get the advantage of chemical formulas and weight calculations and lots of other numerous things. There are various mobile apps that you can use in the chemical research, such as:
If you want to calculate reaction and activation energies, then you can use this app. It enables you to calculate the activation energy and couple reactions on the metal surfaces. This tool offers access to data for reactions of molecules with three C, N and O atoms on a number of different metal surfaces. The dataset may have a consistent set of DFT computations and extrapolations based on the linear scaling connection.
ChemFormula App
The ChemFormula is a weight calculator that is perfect for the students and anyone can use it who is looking for the quickly translate complex formulas and their molecular weight. It offers support for the large number of chemical abbreviations, protection and functional groups. They offer formula analysis and better for commercial use as well.
Mobile Molecular DataSheet App
The MMDS offers a way to check the chemical structure diagram on iPad and iPhone. The unique touchscreen interface enables you to get the professional quality molecular structure. The molecules are organized in datasheets. The molecules are organized in a collection and you can share your details in MDL, MOL and SDfile formats.
Named Reactions Pro App
This app explains the details of more than 300 organic reactions and acetoacetic ester synthesis to the complicated reactions. These reactions a completely indexed and you can search them easily through an intuitive card. The reactions include a description, tag and related reaction. You can carefully check the mechanism because you can use it without any internet connection.
Name Reactions and the Student App
The name reactions student includes organic reactions that are covered in undergraduate chemistry courses. It is an excellent app for your study and prepare individuals to take the GRE and MCAT. The graduate school students can prepare for the standard admission exams. Every reaction may include tags, descriptions, relevant schemes, and depicted mechanism. It can be used without any internet connection.
Reaction101 App
It is an excellent app that can be used on your mobile devices to draw chemical reactions on iPod, iPhone and iPad. You can get the advantage of MMDS (Molecular Data Sheet) to get information and mobile Reagent database access. It is a powerful app to create, view and edit the reactions on the mobile device.
These apps are useful for the student and experts of research chemicals. These can make your work easy by reducing your efforts and time. It is an excellent way to increase your knowledge and access updated information.