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BhashSMS – Best Bulk SMS Provider In India
With the world moving at a faster pace, people are struggling to keep themselvesinformed about their environment and current events hot in the market. SMSmarketing is a form of communication that all other entrepreneurs and businessman’s are depending on. But which company offers best messaging service is thequestion. This article is about one of India’s leading bulk SMS service providercalled BhashSMS. Now, whether it is fashion updates, latest news, discountoffers in market, job alerts or professional and business promotional campaigns– Bulk SMS brings a solution to most of our business needs. There is no bestoption available in the market other than Bulk SMS that can spread awarenesswithin seconds in the public at large
The company where I am working is a regular customer of BhashSMS which made mefollow them closely. We could see new up gradation happening frequently withBhashSMS every time we contact them. They are very reliable and offer instant delivery of messages of their clients. They offer lot of SMS packages and userscan easily customize them according to their needs. Even they also have Bulk SMS reseller plans. As a user, you can easily add or remove contacts from your Bulk SMS. And import huge number of contacts from an excel file and manage themdynamically. Using their service, we can send single SMS or group SMS in hugequantity. I liked their website the most as its user friendly and easy tonavigate. Even account creation doesn’ttake much time and gives lifetime validity. Hence BhashSMS is a great SMS gateway providerand helps us to find millions of customers in short time. As we experienced,with BhashSMS we could forward more than 25000 messages in hardly few seconds.
BhashSMS offers different kinds of messaging service likeTransactional SMS, Promotional SMS, Business SMS, SMS API and Bulk Voice callswhich can be customized as per our need. And I agree BhashSMS is up to theirwords as they have mentioned below special features in their website.
Provides unlimited Sender Id’s
Unlimited Validity
Instant Account Activation
Instant Replies
Instant SMS Delivery to a number of phones
Reseller Plans Available
Ticket System for Complaints
24/7 Customer Support
I see lot of offers being given by BhashSMS like recently in Facebook theyposted ‘We are giving 2000 Bulk SMS Free for Start-up & Service Companies’. That’s an amazing development to reach great heights.Best part is, it’s easy to integrate with any of our company website. We can even send SMS to our phone book numbers without visiting BhashSMS website. There’s no doubt that SMS marketing has become an essential feature of the everydaylife of marketers. And they can’t be online all the time to send SMS on time tothe customers, hence BhashSMS offers scheduling facility. We can schedulesingle SMS or group SMS on a specific time as we want. Since bulk SMS targetslarge number of people, we can be sure of increasing the revenue of our company and BhashSMS supports us throughout the journey.