
Financing Your Company’s Tech Needs Even With A Bad Credit Score
There are two important prerequisites for being able to run a company: technology and funding. Unfortunately, the former cannot be obtained without the latter and the latter simply makes no sense without the former. A bad credit score can prove to be a significant setback, so finding ways to work around this issue is very important when it comes to being able to finance your business’s tech needs.
Maintaining your business’s social media presence is useful, but far from enough. Even if you feel like your LinkedIn and Facebook pages cover all your internet needs, rest assured that this isn’t the case. For one, no one will take your company seriously if you don’t have a website, especially when you’re out of the in-bloom period. Secondly, there is a reason why the saying “if you aren’t on Google, you don’t exist” still draws breath – it is true! Coming up with a proper online representation, however, costs money. Of course, picking and buying a generic template online is always an option, but most people will seamlessly be able to tell that you didn’t invest too much time or effort into your web design. On the other hand, hiring a professional website designer to personalize your online presence is definitely the quality way to go, but it will set you back quite a bit.
Ask your IT crew (and employees in general) if they’d be interested in coming up with a website for your company – more than likely, they’ll be delighted to help and expand their knowledge by learning to design websites or broaden their experience by putting this skill to practice. Once they’ve started working on it, give them a raise – consider it a cheap investment.
Gone are the days when office computers were merely a useful thing to invest in; there isn’t a single business nowadays that can work without at least a couple of PC units. Seeing as how everyone from auto mechanics to IT professionals uses this technology, it is fairly obvious that this is something well-worth investing into. Depending on your business type, you can approach this tech need differently. For example, if you’re running a strictly IT business, you’re going to need relatively powerful machines, but you will likely be surrounded by computing experts, so exploit this to the full extent – task them with finding their own gear on limited budgets and have them install everything they might need – IT specialists love their freedom and this will, in turn, save you money. However, a ‘limited budget’ still means ‘budget’ and if you have a bad credit history, you’re probably looking at funding issues. Fortunately, if you look into companies such as Bad Credit Loans, you’ll find that there are ways to get your necessary financing, even with a terrible credit history.
On the other hand, if your company is in need of only the computer world’s bare necessities, browse for used units online and even consider using your old PC that you’ve probably put in your attic, years back.
Data security
It is absolutely imperative that you protect your data. However, paying a data security expert might be an investment a tad too high during your company’s inception. This means that you should work around this issue by doing everything that’s in your power to make sure that your data is secured. This means coming up with good passwords, making backup schedules and making sure that all your PC units have a firewall and anti-virus software. Additionally, have your computers and the entire network configured by a local security consultant, this is a small investment and well-worth the trouble.
These three tech needs are enough to get your business going; finding a cheap way to obtain proper equipment and technology is of essence when it comes to financing your company’s needs with a bad credit score. Make the most out of what you can afford, this is the golden rule of business.