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Top 10 Real Estate Tech Trends To Watch For In 2015
The world is moving on every day, with the advent of technology everything seems so easy! Life has become mechanised. If we turn to technology for different things such cooking, cleaning your dishes, washing your clothes, guarding your home and moving from one place to another, then why are we still relying on the old fashioned ways of going through a broker trying to look for a home ?
Well, it is not so anymore because, the realty sector has become technology savvy as well. With the new age even the real estate sector has tried to match its pace with the evolving mind set of people who want everything to be available to them with the snap of a finger.
Technology has advanced in a big way as far as realty sector is concerned too! For instance, the presence of all those real estate websites flooding the internet space. All of them are there to help you look for your dream home sitting at home and refraining from going out in the blazing sun and the biting cold, going from house to house, flat to flat and with a new broker every now and then. But for that you need a computer and an internet.
So for all those who don’t have a computer at their disposal and are desperately in need of a home, but don’t want to utilise the conventional methods of going through a broker then guess what?! One of the major real estate website Housing.com has come up with its all new mobile app called ‘Housing’! Can you believe that? Well yes, you can now look for a house sitting at home, on your very own smartphone. An app that doesn’t require a lot RAM, works well with 2G and 3G networks.
Say suppose you are shifting to the city of Ahmedabad, where there are numerous job opportunities, efficient means of communication and transportation and a quality lifestyle. Day by day, the city is increasing its pace towards development and everyday there are new residential projects in Ahmedabad that are emerging in all the preferred areas of the city.
If you download the Housing.com mobile app and take its help in looking for your dream home, then all you need to do log on to Housing.com mobile app and get started.
The app welcomes you with a screen that shows you a number of options with headings such as ‘Rent’, ‘Buy’, ‘PG’ and others. You then need to choose from them and get to the next step. Considering the option you have chosen you will be shown all the available new residential projects in Ahmedabad, that fall under the option you have chosen, for example, flats for sale, or rent etc.
The app will ask you for the number of rooms you want your house, flat or apartment to have, after you choose that option too, you will be taken to a page where you shall see all that is available in Ahmedabad according to the choices you have made. Isn’t that just great?! Wait a second, that is not it, the app just like its website shows you the locality your property is in, that will just ,make this search so worth it !
Now all you need to do is check what is that suits your needs and click the option of your choice. You will be shown all the details on how to contact the dealer or the owner of the property you choose.
So folks wasn’t that easy?! Imagine finding a house sitting in your easy chair and sipping a cup of coffee. Your broker is sitting in your pocket! And your dream home just a tap away.